Wednesday, December 24, 2014

BITX Transceiver (parts) for Christmas

Christmas Eve 2014 and my parts for a BITX transceiver are wrapped under the tree.  Jayne (my wife) would not let me have them until Christmas day.  I guess this is ok since we had so much going on before Christmas.  The presents are mostly re-stocking items in the shack - resistors & capacitors. I am getting to the point where I chunk the old resistors into a can instead of re-stocking them.

I got the urge to build a BITX from Soldersmoke Bill Meara N2CQR.  I have enjoyed his Podcast for quite a few years now.  Bill and Pete Juliano N6QW have stepped up the Podcast so check it out when you get the chance.

Another item under the tree is an L/C meter purchased via Ebay.  I had to play with this item before I let Jayne wrap it and for $39.89 it seems to do the job.

I am going to build it Manhattan style so I ordered the MeSquares sample pack from QRPme.

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The building will begin this weekend so 73 & Merry Christmas!!!

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