Wednesday, December 24, 2014

McMurdo Station

No luck on hearing the Christmas carols from McMurdo station in Antarctica.  Maybe next year ....

BITX Transceiver (parts) for Christmas

Christmas Eve 2014 and my parts for a BITX transceiver are wrapped under the tree.  Jayne (my wife) would not let me have them until Christmas day.  I guess this is ok since we had so much going on before Christmas.  The presents are mostly re-stocking items in the shack - resistors & capacitors. I am getting to the point where I chunk the old resistors into a can instead of re-stocking them.

I got the urge to build a BITX from Soldersmoke Bill Meara N2CQR.  I have enjoyed his Podcast for quite a few years now.  Bill and Pete Juliano N6QW have stepped up the Podcast so check it out when you get the chance.

Another item under the tree is an L/C meter purchased via Ebay.  I had to play with this item before I let Jayne wrap it and for $39.89 it seems to do the job.

I am going to build it Manhattan style so I ordered the MeSquares sample pack from QRPme.

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The building will begin this weekend so 73 & Merry Christmas!!!